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PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 11:55 am 
Garrison MBO
Garrison MBO
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Joined: Fri Nov 30, 2012 10:36 pm
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Real Name: Judge Matty
Well, more like "guidelines"...

Lately, violence has taken a front seat in the news. For at least the last two years, LFL has held the right to request that certain events remain blaster or weapon free. We also always ask our hosts if replica blasters are fine for their event (and 90% of the time, they are fine).

However, in today's climate, we thought it would be a good idea to share a few tips to keep in mind when trooping with a weapon, specifically a blaster. Please remember that some members of the general public may not be aware of Star Wars or it's associated props. Keeping that in mind, it's best to consider treating your replica weapons in somewhat of the same manner as you would a real weapon, both in and out of costume. The framework of the following tips came to us from our friends in the Golden Gate Garrison.

While these rules will not be strictly enforced by, please consider the following tips when trooping.

1. Muzzles down at all times.

2. Treat ALL blasters as real live weapons assigned to you by the Empire.

3. Finger off the trigger. Index your trigger finger and practice your trigger discipline.

4. If approached by Police, Uniformed Officer, and/or Security surrender blaster/weapon immediately upon request or drop it.

5. Do NOT aim your blaster/weapon at Fans / Children / Public / Other Characters or Otherwise.

6. Handing off your blaster for pictures is AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION. Try to refrain from handing your weapon over to a child, but if the need arises, seek approval from the child's nearest parent or guardian.

7. Arrest is allowable, but no aiming of weapon execution style. Aim off camera, refrain from aiming directly at camera lens. (Alternative pose: Hands on shoulder of detainee.)

8. While out of costume / transporting your armor, consider keeping your weapons concealed / hidden from public view.

Thank you.

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