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PostPosted: Tue Oct 31, 2017 11:56 am 
Garrison GML
Garrison GML
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Joined: Fri Dec 07, 2012 6:09 pm
Posts: 205
501st ID number: TX-52635
Home Garrison: Northern Darkness
Real Name: Remind me to edit my profile
Costume submissions need a minimum of two pictures of yourself alone in your costume. One of the pictures should be with your helmet (bucket) off - if applicable. Pictures must be high quality and show the costume in its entirety. The pictures should not be partial or contain other costumers (like pictures taken at a convention), should not be edited or altered in any way. The pictures need to be raw, well lit, and full length.
While two pictures is the minimum, more pictures help tremendously for the approval process. Typically, nine total pictures are requested. Eight full length pictures with the helmet on; Front, 45° Left side, Left Side, 45° Left Back Side, Back. 45° Back right side, Right Side, 45° Front Right, and one picture from the front with the helmet off. This reduces the need for someone to contact you multiple times for clarification of costume details.


It is also helpful if the background of your pictures is one solid color that does not match any of the colors in your costume or isn’t so vibrant that the background color reflects on the costume.


Dark colored/Black costumes

Dark colored or black costumes are very difficult to photograph and get the details needed for submission photos. To get the best shots possible you will need multiple light sources to highlight all the details in your costume so that the GML is able to verify you have all the required components present. Whenever possible, try to arrange a photo shoot with the garrison for the best pictures possible. When no shoot is available, you can use a few household lights to light you costume as best as you can.

Use two Household lamps with either white or no shades, and arrange them at a 45° angle to the subject, if possible position one high up and the other lower so that they highlight as many parts of the costume as possible. Turn off the flash on the camera so the only lights used are your lamps


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