Visual Guides (as of 3/7/2016)This page lists all characters currently established in our membership database. The colored icons next to the names indicate the status of the CRL. CRL Status Key:

- CRL is complete.

- CRL text is complete, some images may be missing.

- CRL is a partial work in progress.

- CRL status undefined.
AR: ARC Trooper

AR - ARC Trooper (TCW): Blitz

AR - ARC Trooper (TCW): Colt

AR - ARC Trooper (TCW): Echo

AR - ARC Trooper (TCW): Fives

AR - ARC Trooper (TCW): Hammer

AR - ARC Trooper (TCW): Havoc

AR - ARC Trooper: Alpha

AR - ARC Trooper: Heavy Gunner (Beta)

AR - ARC Trooper: Null Class

AR - ARC Trooper: Standard
BH - Bounty Hunter
BH - 4-LOM

BH - Aurra Sing: Black Bodysuit

BH - Aurra Sing: The Phantom Menace

BH - Bo Katan

BH - Boba Fett: Holiday Special, Realistic Style

BH - Boba Fett: Pre-production Prototype

BH - Boba Fett: Pre-production V1

BH - Boba Fett: Pre-production V2

BH - Boba Fett: Pre-production V3

BH - Boba Fett: Return of the Jedi

BH - Boba Fett: Special Edition

BH - Boba Fett: The Empire Strikes Back

BH - Bossk

BH - Boushh

BH - Cad Bane

BH - Cad Bane in Denal Disguise

BH - Death Watch: Airborne

BH - Deathwatch Super Commando: Darth Maul Variant

BH - Deathwatch: Darth Maul Grunt

BH - Deliah Blue

BH - Dengar

BH - Durge

BH - Greedo

BH - Jango Fett: AOTC

BH - Jango Fett: Open Seasons

BH - Jaster Mereel

BH - Jodo Kast

BH - Kal Skirata

BH - Mandalorian Deathwatch

BH - Mandalorian Super Commando: Captain

BH - Montross

BH - Pre Vizsla

BH - Pre Vizsla (CW Season 4)

BH - Rako Hardeen

BH - Rav Bralor

BH - Rum Sleg

BH - Shae Vizla

BH - Snaggletooth - Zutton

BH - Snoova

BH - Zam Wesell

BH - Zuckuss
CB: Kaskyyyk Trooper
CB - Kashyyyk Trooper (white variant)

CB - Kaskyyyk Trooper
CC: Clone Commander

[- Animated Lieutenant Thire]

CC - Clone Captain (TCW): Keeli

CC - Clone Captain: Rex (Cold Weather Gear)

CC - Clone Captain: Rex (Phase I, CW)

CC - Clone Captain: Rex (Phase II, CW)

CC - Clone Commander: Appo (Phase II, CW)

CC - Clone Commander: Appo (Phase II, ROTS)

CC - Clone Commander: Bacara

CC - Clone Commander: Blackout

CC - Clone Commander: Bly (Phase I, CW)

CC - Clone Commander: Bly (Phase II, ROTS)

CC - Clone Commander: Cody (Phase 2, Animated)

CC - Clone Commander: Cody (Phase I, CW)

CC - Clone Commander: Cody (Phase II, ROTS)

CC - Clone Commander: Deviss

CC - Clone Commander: Doom

CC - Clone Commander: Fil

CC - Clone Commander: Fox (Phase I, CW)

CC - Clone Commander: Fox (Phase II, CW)

CC - Clone Commander: Ganch (Phase I)

CC - Clone Commander: Ganch (Phase II)

CC - Clone Commander: Gree (Phase I, CW)

CC - Clone Commander: Gree (Phase II, ROTS)

CC - Clone Commander: Jet

CC - Clone Commander: Neyo

CC - Clone Commander: Stone

CC - Clone Commander: Thire (Phase 1, CW)

CC - Clone Commander: Thorn

CC - Clone Commander: Trauma

CC - Clone Commander: Vill

CC - Clone Commander: Wolffe (Season 2)

CC - Clone Commander: Wolffe (Season 3)

CC - Clone Commander: Wolffe (Season 4)
CP: Clone Pilot
CP - Clone Pilot (AOTC)

CP - Clone Pilot (ROTS)

CP - Clone Pilot: CW: Axe

CP - Clone Pilot: CW: Broadside

CP - Clone Pilot: CW: Goji

CP - Clone Pilot: CW: Matchstick

CP - Clone Pilot: CW: Oddball
CT: RotS Clone Trooper
CT - Clone Trooper (CW): Boost, Phase 2

CT - Clone Trooper (CW): Comet, Phase 2

CT - Clone Trooper (CW): Dogma, Phase 2

CT - Clone Trooper (CW): Hardcase, Phase 2

CT - Clone Trooper (CW): Jesse, Phase 2

CT - Clone Trooper (CW): Sergeant Neyo, Phase 2

CT - Clone Trooper (CW): Shock Trooper

CT - Clone Trooper (CW): Sinker, Phase 2

CT - Clone Trooper (CW): Standard Trooper, Phase 2

CT - Clone Trooper (ROTS): 187th Attack Battalion

CT - Clone Trooper (ROTS): 212th Attack Battalion

CT - Clone Trooper (ROTS): 327th Star Corps

CT - Clone Trooper (ROTS): 41st Elite Corps

CT - Clone Trooper (ROTS): 442nd Siege Battalion

CT - Clone Trooper (ROTS): 501st Vader's Fist

CT - Clone Trooper (ROTS): Shock Trooper

CT - Clone Trooper (ROTS): Soldier
CX: Special Ops Clone TroopersArmored Cavalry Detachment
CX - AT-RT Driver
Clonetrooper Detachment
CX - Airborne Trooper, 187th Attack Battalion

CX - Airborne Trooper, 212th Parjai Squad

CX - Airborne Trooper, 501st

CX - ARF Trooper (Camo Deco)

CX - ARF Trooper (White Armor)

CX - ARF Trooper: Boil (Camo Deco)

CX - ARF Trooper: Sgt. Boomer

CX - ARF Trooper: Sgt. Hound

CX - ARF Trooper: Waxer (Camo Deco)

CX - ARF Trooper: Wiley

CX - Utapau Shadow Trooper
DS: Dark Side AdeptFlagship Eclipse
DS - Asajj Ventress: Body Armor

DS - Asajj Ventress: Clone Wars

DS - Asajj Ventress: Concept

DS - Asajj Ventress: Night Sister

DS - Asajj Ventress: Sash Belt

DS - Brakiss

DS - Mara Jade: Black bodysuit

DS - Mara Jade: Black Nebula

DS - Maris Brood

DS - Night Sisters: Dark Force Witch

DS - Night Sisters: Karis

DS - Night Sisters: Mother Talzin

DS - Night Sisters: Naa'leth

DS - Night Sisters: Sith Witch

DS - Savage Opress
Sith Lord Detachment
DS - Kylo Ren
No Detachment Affiliation

DS - Barriss Offee - Covert Ops

DS - Sim Aloo

DS - The Inquisitor
DZ: DenizenBlizzard Force
DZ - Wampa
Flagship Eclipse
DZ - A'Sharad Hett

DZ - Arica: Blue Dancer Disguise

DZ - Arica: Bodysuit

DZ - Eleena Daru

DZ - Guri

DZ - Prince Xizor

DZ - Sinya
Krayt Clan
DZ - Gamorrean Guard

DZ - Garindan

DZ - Jawa

DZ - Malakili (Rancor Keeper)

DZ - Ponda Baba

DZ - Tonnika Sisters (blue)

DZ - Tonnika Sisters (green)

DZ - Tusken Raider: ANH (male)

DZ - Tusken Raider: AOTC (female)

DZ - Tusken Raider: AOTC (male)
No Detachment Affiliation
DZ - Hondo Ohnaka

DZ - Muftak

DZ - Rune Haako

DZ - Tessek

DZ - Viceroy Nute Gunray
GM: Galactic Marine
GM - Galactic Marine
IC: Imperial Crew
IC - Imperial Crew: Bridge Crew

IC - Imperial Crew: Mechanical Crew

IC - Imperial Crew: Scanning Crew
ID: Imperial Officer
[[|ID - Agent Kallus]]

ID - Armand Isard

ID - Imperial Officer: Admiral Daala - Flight Suit

ID - Imperial Officer: Admiral Daala - Olive Drab

ID - Imperial Officer: Director of Intelligence Isard

ID - Imperial Officer: Grand Admiral Thrawn

ID - Imperial Officer: Grand Moff Tarkin

ID - Imperial Officer: Imperial Grand Admiral

ID - Imperial Officer: Imperial Security Bureau

ID - Imperial Officer: Juno Eclipse - Dress Uniform

ID - Imperial Officer: Juno Eclipse - Rogue Shadow

ID - Imperial Officer: Line Officer, (Olive Drab)

ID - Imperial Officer: Moff Nyna Calixte

ID - Imperial Officer: Staff Officer, (Black)

ID - Imperial Officer: Warrant Officer
IG: Imperial Gunner
IG - Imperial Gunner
IN: Imperial Navy
IN - Imperial Navy Trooper

IN - Imperial Navy Trooper: Dress Uniform
IS: AT-ST Driver
IS - AT-ST Driver
RC: Republic Commando

RC - Republic Commando: Atin

RC - Republic Commando: Boss

RC - Republic Commando: Darman

RC - Republic Commando: Fi

RC - Republic Commando: Fixer

RC - Republic Commando: Gregor

RC - Republic Commando: Grunt

RC - Republic Commando: Niner

RC - Republic Commando: Scorch

RC - Republic Commando: Sev
SL: SithFlagship Eclipse
SL - Darth Krayt

SL - Darth Maladi

SL - Darth Malgus

SL - Darth Nihilus: COTF

SL - Darth Nihilus: KOTOR

SL - Darth Nihl

SL - Darth Revan

SL - Darth Talon

SL - Darth Traya

SL - Lumiya

SL - Sith Acolyte (SWTOR)

SL - Starkiller: Concept Sith Robes

SL - Starkiller: Dark Apprentice Robes

SL - Starkiller: Dark Lord's Armor (Hoth)

SL - Starkiller: Desert Survival Gear

SL - Starkiller: Heavy Training Gear (Raxus Prime)

SL - Starkiller: Light Training Gear (Felucia)

SL - Starkiller: Sith Stalker

SL - Starkiller: Training Gear (TIE Factory)

SL - The Clone Emperor

SL - Visas Marr: KOTOR II

SL - Visas Marr: Unseen, Unheard
Sith Lord Detachment
SL - Darth Maul

SL - Darth Maul: Black Sun

SL - Darth Sidious: TPM/AOTS (Pre-scarring)

SL - Darth Tyranus: AOTC

SL - Darth Tyranus: ROTS

SL - Darth Tyranus: TCW, Sleepwear

SL - Darth Vader: ANH

SL - Darth Vader: ESB

SL - Darth Vader: Pre-Armor

SL - Darth Vader: ROTJ

SL - Darth Vader: ROTS

SL - Emperor Palpatine: ROTS (Brown Battle Robe)

SL - Emperor Palpatine: ROTS (Red Senate Robe)

SL - Emperor Palpatine: ROTS/ESB/ROTJ (Black Sith Robe)
TA: AT-AT Driver
TA - AT-AT Commander

TA - AT-AT Driver

TA - Imperial Combat Driver

TA - Imperial Troop Transport Driver
TB: Scout Trooper
TB - Biker Scout
TC: Clone Trooper

TC - Clone Trooper: AOTC: Captain

TC - Clone Trooper: AOTC: Commander

TC - Clone Trooper: AOTC: Lieutenant

TC - Clone Trooper: AOTC: Sergeant

TC - Clone Trooper: AOTC: Standard Trooper, Phase I

TC - Clone Trooper: CW: 41st (Green Company)

TC - Clone Trooper: CW: Boil

TC - Clone Trooper: CW: Coruscant Guard

TC - Clone Trooper: CW: Denal

TC - Clone Trooper: CW: Draa

TC - Clone Trooper: CW: Echo (Blue Handprint)

TC - Clone Trooper: CW: Echo (For Hevy)

TC - Clone Trooper: CW: Fives (For Hevy)

TC - Clone Trooper: CW: Hardcase, Phase 1

TC - Clone Trooper: CW: Jek

TC - Clone Trooper: CW: Scythe

TC - Clone Trooper: CW: Squawk

TC - Clone Trooper: CW: Standard Trooper

TC - Clone Trooper: CW: Waxer

TC - Clone Trooper: Scuba Trooper (2D CW Series)

TC - Clone Trooper: Training Fatigues
TD: Sandtrooper
TD - Sandtrooper
TI: TIE Pilot
TI - TIE Pilot: 181st

TI - TIE Pilot: 181st Fighter Wing, Dress Uniform

TI - TIE Pilot: ANH

TI - TIE Pilot: Baron Fel

TI - TIE Pilot: Reserve Pilot

TI - TIE Pilot: RotJ
TK: Stormtrooper
TK - Stormtrooper: ANH Hero

TK - Stormtrooper: ANH Stunt

TK - Stormtrooper: Commander

TK - Stormtrooper: Concept Armor

TK - Stormtrooper: Death Trooper

TK - Stormtrooper: ESB

TK - Stormtrooper: First Order

TK - Stormtrooper: Heavy Weapons Trooper

TK - Stormtrooper: Incinerator Trooper

TK - Stormtrooper: Legacy Era Female

TK - Stormtrooper: ROTJ

TK - Stormtrooper: Sky Trooper
TR: Royal Guard
TR - Captain Argyus

TR - Carnor Jax

TR - Kir Kanos

TR - Royal Guard: AOTC

TR - Royal Guard: ROTJ

TR - Royal Guard: ROTS

TR - Royal Guard: TFU

TR - Senate Guard: TFU

TR - Shadow Guard: TFU
TS: Snowtrooper
TS - Snow Scout

TS - Snowtrooper

TS - Snowtrooper Commander
TX: Special Operations
TX - EVO Trooper

TX - General Weir

TX - Imperial Navy Commando

TX - Magma Trooper

TX - Novatrooper

TX - Novatrooper Elite

TX - Novatrooper Medic

TX - Novatrooper Sentinel

TX - Shadow Scout

TX - Shadow Stormtrooper

TX - Shadow Stormtrooper: The Force Unleashed

TX - Swamp Trooper